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Upon reaching the center of the room both Molly and Samantha were grabbed by assistants who then cleaned every inch of there meaty body’s and pushed them toward a set of double doors the sign above read Binding Room entering the room the girl’s could see many other girl-cow’s standing in rows with there hands bound tight behind there back’s, Molly tried to ask the assistant in this room why are we being tied again? the only answer given was a bright red ball gag shoved in to her mouth, her arms were then pulled tight behind her back and hands tight at the wrist, the same was done to Samantha and then they were sent on there way though the next set of double door’s.

Looking up toward the man approaching them Molly and Samantha breath a sigh of relief, they were saved.

Picking up his gavel, the judge then said I sentence you all to the maximum of 10 years per count in the state maximum security prison, I further order every state registered girl-cow

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